Epic DIY Light Projects That Your Home Needs

Colorful lights should never be limited to the holidays. You’re cheating yourself if you are only using special lights for Christmas. It’s amazing what a difference some fresh colors can make. They can give your home an extra boost of creativity all year long.
However, once the season passes ordinary Christmas lights don’t quite cut it. On the other hand, nothing livens up a home more than customized lights. Despite what many people may think, adding an extra touch to your lights is easier than you can imagine. All you need to steal the show is the first spark of creativity & a little work. That’s why we are giving you the ultimate list of DIY light customizations! Prepare to get inspired with this epic list of custom lights.
DIY Lights That Will Transform Your Home
Light Design #1: Who’s Hungry? – To add a burst of style to your porch, all you need to do is listen to your stomach. Celebrate your favorite food by painting ping pong balls & covering normal lights with them! You can get as crazy as you want with it. Depending on your tastes you can customize the ping pong balls to be hamburgers or sushi.
Light Design #2: Reconnect with Nature – If you want to get in touch with the great outdoors, this design is for you! All you have to do is wrap your lights with flowers. They don’t have to be real, you can always buy a string of plastic flowers that will last for years.
Light Design #3: Get Tropical – If you want to embrace summer all year long, you will fall head over heels for this design. Create little pineapples by combining grapevine tangle lights with a little bit of construction paper. This design will let you know that summer is always just around the corner!